Message Minute
Your Message Minute with Pastor Chris Byars
1 Thessalonians 3:1–3
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Therefore when we could endure it no longer, we were pleased to be left behind at Athens alone, and we sent Timothy, our brother and God’s fellow worker in the gospel of Christ, to strengthen and encourage you as to your faith, so that no one would be shaken by these afflictions, for you yourselves know that we have been destined for this.
1 Thessalonians 3:1–3, LSB
Carrying the Gospel to the world was a dangerous task for Paul and all within the early Church. The world was very hostile then and continues to be today because it challenges the norms that are often found within the world. People don’t like to be limited, especially those with power. If it didn’t affect them then there would have been no problem, but the Christian faith is transformative for communities. Faithful people will not engage in certain activities or buy certain things, and they will also encourage others to do the same while proclaiming the Gospel and evangelizing communities. This reality has not changed. When the Church awakens and stirs, it brings transformation. Where the Church gains power, we can see how those in power will lull her into a slumber and our nature is to be fearful of afflictions and to be led into that slumber as we turn inward and focus on caring for ourselves, but we see in Paul and other witnesses the opposite is what our Lord calls us to do. The greater the struggles we see, we are called to be sent out and stand in opposition to the things contrary to God and proclaim His truth without fear. The Church is called to suffer for the faith and bring others to know the true peace in Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Let us pray. I thank you, my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, your dear Son, that you have kept me this night from all harm and danger, and I ask you to protect me this day also from sin and every evil, that in all I do today, I may please you. For into your hands, I commend myself, my body and soul, and all that is mine. Let your holy angel watch over me, that the wicked foe have no power over me. Amen.